FAQ: Store Locator

If you see this error in the console: "This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console", it is necessary for you to add Places API to Google Cloud Platform.Read the full answer to get more information.

The option "Locate nearby" displays the nearest locations to the current position of the customer. 

Proceed to the full answer to get a step-by-step guide.

For the correct work, the search tool requires 2 obligatory conditions: address and radius of the search. Read the full answer to get complete info.

Yes, we've tested that the map with 30.000+ locations will load in less than 3 seconds. Read the full answer to see the details.

If you see this message, it means you have a Google Map API error. To fix it, please open the frontend DevTools console and follow the guide in the full answer.

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