FAQ: SMTP Email Settings

Yes, sure. Our module is fully compatible with multistore configuration.
In case you face some issues with the popular email providers, please check whether you have allowed the usage of the third-party apps. The problem may be in the security limitation and without changing some security settings you may face the incorrect...

The extension can't use mail server to send anything due to mismatching login credentials. If you are sure provided credentials are 100% correct please proceed with READ the Full answer link.

If you're connecting from behind the firewall, make sure the firewall rules allow you to connect the specified mail server. 

With this extension you can see detailed email logs of all the letters sent right in your Magento admin panel.

Here are the most frequently reported causes: 1) Order confirmation emails, invoices, etc are not being sent out. 2) Logs are not recorded. 
If you have one of the above-mentioned symptoms, please click READ the Full answer link below.

Our SMTP module can be configured to send emails via Yahoo, Gmail or any other third-party SMTP server. Note that reputable SMTP providers may increase your chances of reaching your customers. Click here to see why. Due to a pre-defined data autofill...

Having troubles with sending emails? Try disabling the extension in main module configuration page and check if you're getting the same result with Magento default PHP sendmail. Please proceed to READ the Full answer link to get further instructions.

Our Magento SMTP extension supports authentication with standard cryptographic protocols: SSL and TLS. TLS is constantly improving. Please click here for more information.

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