FAQ: Shipping per Product

Yes, you can set a fixed shipping cost making changes in the Shipping Methods section. Continue reading to see how to make it.

Only single flat-rate shipping is available for each item.
If you need to limit shipping options and destination, please use Shipping Restrictions instead.
This is possible with Shipping Table Rates extension only. A Shipping Type feature will let you create rates for individual products. You can easily create unique rates for different countries/states.

Yes, sure. You can set up a default shipping rate for products which don’t have individual rates. Read on to see how to make the settings.

Yes, this Shipping per Product extension supports such functionality out-of-the-box.
Yes, with our Shipping per product extension you will be able to give a flat rate of $N for the number of products you need and set $0 shipping for all other products in your store.
Yes, it’s possible since Magento shipping rate is a product attribute. You can set the shipping rate through a csv product import.

There are two possible options for this scenario: either the rates will be summed up or the highest rate will be chosen. Read on to see how to control it.

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