FAQ: Product Labels

Yes, you can move each magento product label to a fixed position + / - custom offsets.
Any number of labels can be applied to a product simultaneously: 'on sale', 'save 30%', '100% recyclable'. It's possible to show a label 'new' together with other labels for one image, e.g. to the right side of the product pic. If you want to show labels...
Sometimes you need to show not just attribute, but sum of attributes (like total length or new price)You can customize Product Labels extension to meet your needs, It's quite easy.Please open file app\code\local\Amasty\Label\Model\Label.php, find lines...
If you use Product Labels and have difficulties with finding CSS selector, please make the following easy steps: 1)  Hover the cursor over the image and right click mouse.2)  Select Inspect.3)  See the highlighted image code.4)  Right click on the highlighted...
If you have no idea how to modify templates of Product Labels Magento extension, please follow the instructions below.   1) Open file app/design/frontend/Your_Theme_Package/Your_Theme/template/catalog/product/list.phtml     ------- ...
A product image label can be applied to any type of products, our extension supports all of them.

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