How to save on product shipping?

Too high shipping cost is one of the reasons why customers don’t complete their purchase. To increase customers’ trust level, you need to inform them about all your shipping opportunities and minimize the shipping fee. At the same time, the well-organized shipping process will decrease your costs. Let’s see 3 tools that will help you to save money on Magento product shipping.

1. Set the shipping rules

Smart shipping rules are the first step to save on Magento product shipping. You can make your shipping rules more flexible and connect them to product, order or cart attributes. Amasty Shipping Rules extension allows you to create an unlimited number of rules based on a variety of conditions and attributes. You can customize Magento 2 shipping rates per product and order. Increase or decrease the delivery rate according to a customer address. Provide your customers with discounts and let them use coupon codes. According to Salesforce research, around 60% of customers waiting for a personal checkout based on their previous purchases.

2. Specify shipping rates

Another way to save on shipping costs is to add various shipping methods and rates. Shipping Table Rates module allows you to set delivery prices based on an address, cart weight, and order subtotal. You can set different shipping costs for specific products, mix rates, and create their combinations. Moreover, you can calculate the shipping rate not only by the parcel weight but also by dimensional weight, i.e. its volume. Show delivery time intervals, comments, and images on the checkout page to motivate customers to complete the order.

3. Restrict specific shipping ways

To make your shipping methods meet legal requirements, you can use the Shipping Restrictions plugin. This extension allows you to regulate the availability of shipping methods according to product attributes, customers’ and order data. Limit coupon usage with specific shipping methods or restrict delivery on holidays. Disable shipping methods for customer groups from specific regions.



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