How to display cross sell items on product pages in Magento 2?

Cross-selling is a mechanic of increasing the average order price implemented by recommending suitable products.

Why do you need to display cross-sell items on the product page in Magento 2?

Cross-sell items are displayed on the Magento 2 product page to trigger additional sales in your store. This feature is designed to get customers to buy products that they didn't think about when they came to your site. Thus, customers buy additional products with planned products and increase your profits.

This method has several advantages for the seller:

  • customer loyalty increases if their needs were taken into account

  • cross-selling is a sales channel that does not require serious financial investments from the company

  • increase in the number of regular customers.

How to fix the cross-sell products not showing up in Magento 2?

Step 1. The first step to fix the Magento 2 cross-sell products not showing issue go to Catalogue > Inventory > Products.

Step 2. Click Edit opposite to the item to be featured as a cross-sell.

Step 3. Expand the Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells section.

Step 4. Click Add Cross-Sell Products.

Step 5. Choose the products to mark as related. 

Step 6. Click Add Selected Products.

Step 7. Click Save.

Check our How to Add Related Products to Magento 2 Product Page video to see all the steps from the beginning.

If you want to facilitate the process of creating/editing cross-sell products and reduce manual work, you can try the Cross-Sell/Upsell Products extension. It provides the following functions:

  • creating tailored rules for automatic item relations

  • auto-creation of the cross-sell and upsell blocks

  • configuration performance analytics and more.

The process of adding related products in this extension is simple:

Step 1. Go to Catalog > Amasty Related Products > Related Product Rules.

Step 2. Click the Add New Rule button and expand the Rule Information tab.

Step 3. Fill in the suggested fields based on your needs.

Step 4. Next, open the Where to Display Conditions section and choose the Block Position in the dropdown window and choose conditions of the extension to set the pages on which the block will be shown.

Step 5. Expand the Products to Display tab and define products to be shown in the related products block.

Step 6. The last step is to configure Display Settings.

Step 7. Save the changes.

You can see a more detailed explanation of the settings in the How to Add Related Products to Magento 2 Product Page video. It describes the entire creation process in detail and each option separately.

Moreover, you can check out the guide to cross-selling & upselling techniques on our blog. There you will learn about all the peculiarities of cross-selling and its advantages for your store.


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