How to configure newsletter subscription in Magento 2?

What is a Magento 2 newsletter subscription?

Magento 2 newsletter subscription is an opportunity to let your customers receive an interesting newsletter from your Magento 2 website. Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in e-commerce. On average, it produces $44 for every $1 spent. But before launching the email campaign, you need to set up a newsletter subscription in your Magento 2. Let’s see how to do it.

How to let subscribe to the newsletter programmatically in Magento 2?

To let your Magento 2 store customers subscribe to the newsletter programmatically do the following:

Step 1. Log into your admin panel and go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

Step 2. Open the Customers tab and click on the Newsletter option.

Step 3. Go to the Subscription Options section.

Step 4. If you want to let people without an account in your store to subscribe to the newsletter, choose Yes in the Allow Guest Subscription field.

Step 5. Set Yes in the Need to Confirm field to enable the double opt-in process of subscription confirmation.

Step 6. Choose the email template and sender for success, confirmation, and unsubscribe emails.

Step 7. Save the changes in Magento 2 to let subscribe to the newsletter programmatically.

Magento Newsletter Templates creation

Step 1. Navigate to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Template and click on the Add New Template button.

Step 2. Fill in the Template Name and Subject in the Template Information section.

Step 3. Enter the name that you want to show as a sender in the Sender Name field. Then, specify the Sender Email.

Step 4. Move to the Template Content section and edit the template content with the help of the WYSIWYG editor.

Step 5. Preview the result and save the changes.

Start sending newsletters


Helpful tip: Send triggered emails based on customers' behavior and stimulate them to make a purchase. The Follow Up Email extension allows you to generate emails according to order statuses, products in wishlists and previous orders, and customer activity and info. Customize emails making them more personal, add special discount codes, and send emails automatically via a scheduled cron job.


Step 1. Go to Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Template.

Step 2. Choose the needed template from the grid and select Queue Newsletter in the Action column.

Step 3. Select the date when the program should start sending newsletters to Magento 2 subscribers in the Queue Date Start field.

Step 4. Choose the source of emails in the Subscribers From list.

Step 5. Enter the Subject, Sender Name, and Email.

Step 6. Click on the Save and Resume button to start the queue.

How to let customers subscribe to the newsletter at checkout in Magento 2?

Letting your Magento 2 store customers subscribe to the newsletter at checkout can help you get rid of the abandoned cart problem. There are several reasons why it happens and how to overcome this issue, but according to statistics, exit pop-ups can convert 10% of abandoned carts into orders. Our Exit Intent Popup extension allows you to enable a catchy popup with a subscription when a user wants to leave your store. You can set up the Magento newsletter page for checkout and the cart. Make a profitable offer in the popup and retain more customers. Save your time with automatic email dispatch.


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