Advanced Permissions for Magento 1

Assign permissions to users for editing products and categories, Magento store-views and websites. No mess when having a lot of users in your store – vendors, category managers, etc – let them see and edit certain categories and products.

  • Restrict access by store-view and website
  • Separate products management
  • Separate categories management
  • Duplicate roles quickly
  • Automatic compatibility with other extensions
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Advanced Catalog Permissions features for Magento

With Our Advanced Permissions extension you can control access and actions to any area of your Magento store. Super-admin can restrict the access to particular backend tabs for any sub-administrators. The module enables you to limit the access to:

  • Specific products;
  • Reports;
  • Store views;
  • Dashboard statistics;
  • Categories;
  • CMS elements;
  • Websites;
  • Affected entities;

Highly customizable

Limit access by store view/website

As a super-admin you can allow or restrict the actions of sub-admin users by store-view and/or website. You can enable/disable the following actions:

  • Edit products and categories
  • Manage orders and configuration
  • Manage customers for selected store-view or website

Control category management

Using the improved user management funtionality in Magento, you can put specific sub-admins in charge of particular categories. Let admins view all the categories, but they will be able to edit only the certain ones.


Duplicate Magento 1 user roles

Save your time and duplicate roles, using ‘Duplicate’ button on the Role Edit page. The Magento user role will be duplicated with all existing Magento 1 role resources. It is much easier to duplicate roles, nor creating new ones from the beginning.

Limit access to CMS elements

Limited access lets your Managers restrict the access to particular CMS elements for different admin roles.

Automatic compatibility with other extensions

Our Magento 1 user management module is fully compatible with the majority of third-party extensions. Store-view/website limitations will be automatically applied to the instances, provided by other extensions.

Affected entities

You can limit order data for sub-admins . Decide whether they have access to sales data settings. Choose from the following :

  • Orders
  • Invoices and transactions
  • Credit memos
  • Shipments

Restrict access to Reports tab

Limit the access to reports depending on sub-admins roles.The option will help you to keep your store data safe and properly updated.This option let your Managers work with the relevant Reports (e.g. customers or sales). For example, the marketing manager will see product report with bestsellers.


Product management improvement

Magento Advanced Permissions module enables Super-admin to choose which products can be edited depending on the store view/website.

  • Choose necessary products and assign them to the corresponding admin users
  • View or edit products created by the user
  • Preclude products from being deleted
  • Allow sub-admins to view/edit product owner

Dashboard statistics access

Give your managers a limited access to the Dashboard statistics with the Magento catalog permissions tool. This option helps sub-admins to be aware of important store data.


Keep everything under control

It is so easy to get confused when you have a large Magento store with dozens of managers, representatives, and a huge product catalog. If you are constantly facing the problem of controlling and monitoring your employees, Amasty team can offer a great solution for you! Keep everything under control - create and edit numerous sub-admins, endue them with necessary accesses. For example, grant sub-admins access to the deep e-commerce analytics provided by the Magento reporting tool.

Explore Amasty's Bestsellers!

  • Magento 2 Free Gift: Build brand loyalty and encourage repeat purchases with Amasty's Free Gift extension for Magento 2. Reward your customers with free gifts for selected purchases, converting low-demand products into attractive incentives.
  • Magento 2 Elasticsearch: Boost conversions and improve user satisfaction with Amasty's Elastic Search extension for Magento 2. Instantly show the most relevant search results, guiding your customers to what they're looking for quicker and turning searches into successful sales.

Explore these top-selling Magento 2 extensions from Amasty and unleash the full potential of your online store!

Stay ahead in the e-commerce world by upgrading with our Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration, designed to enhance your store's capabilities and efficiency.

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Amasty extensions work with all plugins we issued and with most 3rd-party plugins. If you come across a Magento 2 compatibility issue with any third-party module, we’ll definitely try to help you. If you face any technical issues, please create a ticket...
Product updates for extensions purchased before Feb 1, 2022With the transition to product subscriptions, you will receive product updates for all extensions purchased before Feb 1, 2022 throughout the entire grace period — up to Aug 1, 2022. If you ...
Yes, you can use installation and configuration services that are available as the part of Pro and Premium add-ons for your product subscriptions.Please note that this installation service doesn’t include uninstallation. So, if you need to completely...
Amasty doesn’t provide any trials of Magento extensions. There's one exception: Amasty extensions are provided for testing or demo purposes to our official Platinum Partners as a part of the “access to Amasty extensions for testing purposes with Composer...
Yes, you can install any Amasty extension on a test site and configure all the settings there before doing it on your live store.
Amasty offers to its Customers a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee for the Software. In case the acquired extension didn’t meet your expectations, our support team is always ready to help you. Fees for support subscriptions and any services provided...
We are now working at a loyalty program for our customers that is supposed to bring even greater benefits in the long term. While it’s not out yet, you can look through these Special Offers. New discounts and specials are added every month. To stay ...
To update a Magento 2 extension by manual upload:1. log in to the customer account;2. navigate to the Products tab, scroll to the packages section, and click the Download link next to the extension that should be updated;3. Important: If some extension...
To leave your feature request, log in to your customer account and open the Products tab. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and leave your feature request in the following form: As soon as you send your request, it is considered by our ...
If you have an active support service subscription, it grants you access to support services for all products purchased before Feb,1 as long as your subscription is active. Alternatively, support services are only available as the part of a product ...
Usually, no, you can’t exchange modules. Please, contact our support managers and they’ll consider your case individually. → Learn more about our special offers
Usually, we don’t provide any discounts. But you can contact us, and we’ll consider your case individually. → Learn more about our special offers
Our license allows you to use a single extension license agreement on one Magento installation.If you run several domains on the same instance of Magento, you can use one extension license. However, if you run each website on a new installation of Magento...
You can pay for our extensions in any convenient for you way as a full range of payment methods are supported. The most common means are credit card or PayPal. Security and fraud protection are guaranteed. If you need to pay for the order with a non...
Yes, you can do that. Just choose what particular sales data you want to open for viewing (order, sales reports and/or sales section) in System > Permissions > Roles > Role Resources. Category and product access can be configured on the Advanced...

Yes, sure. Our Advanced Permissions extension is highly customizable so that you can control an access to any area of your Magento as well as the types of the actions that can be performed by each admin role. Read on to make all the settings correctly.

Yes, you can enable the view only permission for your Magento admin at the 'Role Resources' tab. Continue reading to make it on the first try. 

Yes, you can make user's access denied, as well as create users with advanced roles/permissions. Define website/store view a sub-admin will have access to at the 'Advanced Permissions: Scope' with the following guide.  

This is easily achievable with our extension. In System > Permissions > Roles > Advanced: Products you can either choose items from the grid or just set “Allow Access To” to “Own Created Products”. This is really handy...
Each Amasty extension package is provided with the extension files, installation & setup guides and a license agreement. Some extensions include import file examples as well.Before installing any extension, please create a backup of the root folder...

Yes, you can restrict access to customer data making changes in the Role Resources section. Go on reading to see the instructions.

Our Advanced Permissions extension supports an unlimited number of admin users.


12 reviews

  1. ok
    The functionality is sufficient for distributing roles for a big store. Our team has been using the extension for 6 months and had no troubles. We would be happy if you could include restriction by IP address, that would be very helpful. Thanks.
  2. Difficult to configure
    Module is good and does what it promises, however it took me hours to configure it. I’ve been working with Magento for years, but still felt uncomfortable. I tried to make some coding to adjust the module and ended up asking a support team for help, and they coped with all issues within 3 hours. On the whole, the module is pretty good for adjusting the admin interface and lives up to expectations.
  3. Bien fait!
    Nous avons plusieurs départements et de nombreuses personnes travaillant sur le site simultanément. Chaque équipe est responsable pour des choses particulières. Précédemment, nous avons eu quelques problèmes de temps en temps parce que certains employés ont changé les réglages importants par erreur. Une hiérarchie claire des autorisations d'accès est une bonne solution dans ce cas. Avec cette extension, nous avons réussi à donner aux gestionnaires les autorisations dont ils avaient besoin pour leur travail. En conséquence, le nombre d'erreurs a remarquablement diminué. Bien fait!
  4. Definitely recommended
    I have a multi-store shop and 5 users that are managing products and orders. Each user sees only its store view and domain resources. With this extension I solved all the issues concerning the situation when several people are working in the same store simultaneously. At present there are no confusion, no mistakes.
  5. Nice extension, works as described
    It works nice and restricts all kinds of activities for those who work with the store. No bugs or any issues whatsoever, no conflicts with extensions of other vendors as well. Actually the main reason I leave this feedback is that I ask to add IP restriction to the roles as well. I know that they have a separate extension with I P restriction – so maybe just add integration? That would be very helpful and will add to our shop’s security. Thanks.
  6. Excellent
    BTW amasty you guys...rock but it is just a suggestion from my side. I am huge fan of yours extension. Keep working
  7. Great for multiple teams
    We have 3 teams based in different locations (Italy, Spain and France) so it’s very hard to control all the changes made from the admin panel. We used to have some products deleted accidently and other unpleasant things. So controlling which site area will be available for each team is a real solvation for us. Our employees are experienced but things happen, you know. The thing I like most is duplicating roles, it’s so easy, I just don’t need to think how to create each role again, I did it once and then only need to copy the rule and assign it to a new admin, very handy. I would be even more happy if actions log came as a feature of that extension but not as a separate module (yep, to save money). But in general, I’ m happy with the features. dargovor Magento Connect
  8. feunta
    We have 5 departments and many people working on the site. Each team is responsible for particular things. We used to have problems from time to time as some employees could change important settings by mistake. A clear hierarchy of access permissions is a good solution in that case. With this extension we managed to give managers only the permissions they needed for their work. As a result, the number of mistakes has remarkably decreased. We found a few bugs while using that extensions, now all of them are fixed thanks to Amasty support. feunta, Magento Connect
  9. It rocks!!!
    This extension ROCKS. I am amazed. First to say - it is written as module should be written! Clean code and readable for semi-developer. I already made some adjustment - and it is sooo easy to do it. For example I use Sales rep module per country. Without this module that simple will not be possible. So each sales rep account now has it own ID in admin where you can then use that ID in special rule permission this module added called Product Owner :) With that and with some other adjustment (change the product attribute to Website scope, change the line in restrictProductCollection function in Model/Rule.php to $collection->addFieldToFilter('amrolepermissions_owner', array('in' => array(2, $userId))); Now i have this: each sale rep can SELL all the products they OWN or all products I have added to my GENERAL admin sales rep account. That way each Sales rep can only modify theirs own products, still view and sell other and all products which I do not want that they can see simply left blank in product owner attribute (like configurable products child or special promotion products etc) I AM REALLY AMAZED WITH IT. And just started to reveal the possibilities.... eep up the good work and plan to expand this great module...
  10. Great when you know the way to use it
    Just installed the plugin. I can't call it's intuitive, as I had to reread the manual at least twice to find out the way to set it. But in the end I got a perfectly organized system with custom permissions for all my store views and numerous vendors.
  11. Well done.
    We run this extension on 3-lingual store. A very good way to give each translator possibility not to make mistakes when editing products. This also works great with Admin Actions Log extension from Amasty, so I can assign permissions, and see what people are doing. Nicely done.
  12. Looks promising
    We are still launching our site and ability to limit permissions for some categories per staff is essential. As we already have a few extensions from Amasty and in general are satisfied (had some minor issues, but they are not really important) , so we've decided give this module a try and it works as expected so far :)

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See Magento (and other software) versions we support and guarantee their compatibility with our extensions

Version 1.2.9
Last Update: Mar 25, 2019
1.2.9 - Mar 25, 2019
  • Fix the possible error 'Call to a member function getId () on null in ...' was fixed
1.2.8 - Feb 19, 2019
  • Improvement the possibility to select all store views on the Specified Store Views level has been excluded to deal with the 'too many redirects' issue
  • Compatibility the compatibility with the 3rd party extensions was enhanced
  • Fix the issue with showing not all the selected products to a user with restricted permissions was resolved
  • Fix the issue on the 'Locked Users' page was resolved (Magento EE v.
1.2.7 - Nov 22, 2018
  • Fix the issue with adding all products to a created category by a limited by store view admin was resolved
1.2.6 - Jul 04, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the enabled/disabled status of a product after saving by a restricted user was resolved
1.2.5 - Jun 18, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the product restriction while creating an order from the admin panel was resolved
1.2.4 - May 28, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the orders by products filters was resolved
1.2.3 - May 14, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the database table prefix and aliases was resolved
1.2.2 - May 03, 2018
  • Fix the problem with the role saving and the correct tab display was fixed
1.2.1 - Apr 04, 2018
  • Fixed an issue with restricting permissions for subcategories
  • Fixed an issue with checking the deleted products
1.2.0 - Feb 22, 2018
  • New added the ability to limit users' access to the new users and roles creating. Now, the store admin with the limited role can add a user with the same role but won't be able to create a new user with the SuperAdministrator role.
Version 1.1.11
Last Update: Feb 13, 2018
1.1.11 - Feb 13, 2018
  • Minor code improvements
1.1.10 - Jan 08, 2018
  • Fixed an issue with the order restriction.
  • Fixed an issue with the sorting by store feature in the order grid.
1.1.9 - Aug 02, 2017
  • Fixed a situation when option values from restricted stores were deleted after attribute save.
  • Restrict attribute options deleting if current admin has restricted store scopes.
  • Fixed restriction by stores for reports.
  • Fixed store restrictions for Store Credit on customers grid for action Update Credit.
1.1.8 - Jun 12, 2017
  • Added restrictions by websites to up/cross sell products
1.1.7 - Mar 14, 2017
  • Improvements for restricting orders by category or product
  • Restricted scopes removed from the store switcher on reports page
1.1.6 - Feb 27, 2017
  • Compatibility with 3-rd party SEO extension
  • Fix for attribute values being hidden in some cases
  • Minor performance improvements
1.1.5 - Nov 23, 2016
  • Few minor improvements
1.1.4 - Nov 01, 2016
  • Store view multiple select elements now do not display stores and websites that do not have any store views assigned
  • Compatibility with older Magento versions
1.1.3 - Sep 16, 2016
  • Minor compatibility improvements
  • Fix for parent checkbox being removed each time a child one is clicked
1.1.2 - Jun 21, 2016
  • A number of minor fixes
1.1.1 - Jan 22, 2016
  • Minor improvements
1.1.0 - Oct 27, 2015
  • Admin routing patch (SUPEE-6788) compatibility
Version 1.0.10
Last Update: Jul 22, 2015
1.0.10 - Jul 22, 2015
  • Compatibility with Magento 1.9.2
  • Improved usability for assigning permissions on categories
  • Minor workflow improvements
1.0.9 - May 14, 2015
  • Possibility to restrict creation of categories
  • Admin users can always access products created by themselves
  • Minor compatibility improvements
1.0.7 - Sep 03, 2014
  • Correct behavior of product owner attribute after extension disabled
1.0.5 - Aug 22, 2014
  • Setting to restrict save and delete button for customers and products
1.0.3 - May 13, 2014
  • Better compatibility with Magento 1.4 - 1.5
  • Possibility to restrict access to invoices/shipments/credit memos and transactions
1.0.2 - Apr 11, 2014
  • In the dropdowns only available stores are shown
  • If an admin user creates a new sub category, it receives the same view permissions as the parent category.
1.0.1 - Apr 01, 2014
  • Better support for sales orders permissions (with setting if to limit access to orders)
  • Minor bugfixing