10 Reasons Why Use Our Automatic Related Products

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Though customers love ample choice options when shopping for a particular product, they have difficulties even choosing from 2 relatively similar products.

So why not to assist customers by reducing the number of variants to optimum?

This is what Magento 2 Automatic Related Products do. With this extension, you can simplify the process of choosing goods for customers by providing a block of several alternatives based on various conditions. Likewise, you can offer products that can make a nice add-on for the good of choice.

This module does a lot of good not only to customers but also to store owners by providing statistically grounded routes for Magento 2 cross-sell products and upselling. Find out more about the module features.

#1. Save time and efforts assigning rules automatically

You can save time and effort by automating the set-up of the block for Magento 2 cross-sell, upsell products and related goods.

This is how the block can look like on the frontend:


#2. Set up rules using flexible conditions

You can relate products automatically using single or multiple conditions:magento-2-automatic-related-products-conditions

Also, you don’t have to switch between tabs to complete all the rule settings:

source type Magento 2

#3. Offer targeted choice options: enable auto-select from the same attribute value

With the Automatic Related Products, you can auto-generate products for the block from the same attribute value, such as brand, price, material, and more:


#4. Place the block where it suits most

The module offers detailed ideas on where to place the block with related products. You can choose from a multitude of locations on the Product Page, Shopping Cart, or Category Page. It’s also possible to add your Custom position:

Display conditions Magento 2

Also, you can easily exclude out-of-stock items from displaying to show only those that can be immediately added to the cart.

#5. Meet your goals – set rule priorities

You can design several rules and prioritize them according to your goals at a given moment:

#6. Preview the list of products to be displayed

With the extensions, you can preview the list of products to be displayed in the block under particular conditions.


The products are presented on another handy grid with Thumbnail, Name, Type, and more provided for each product. You can also apply Filters to sort products by name, type, price, status, and visibility.

#7. Streamline your work with the rules grid [+ Elastic Search compatibility]

We added (a) a completely new Related Product Rules grid for you to manage all the rules in one place and (b) made the module compatible with Elastic Search. All the existing rules for related, upsell, and cross-sell products are stored on an easy-to-use grid. You won’t need to wander around your backend to find a rule. You can easily view and manage them right there:

rules grid automatic related products magento 2elastic search compatibility with automatic related products for Magento 2

You can not only view but also manage your rules on the grid. Use the dropdown menu to Delete, Enable, Disable, Duplicate, or Edit each rule or several rules in a click. You can also assign and change priorities via the grid. Note that only one rule can be used in one position. In case there are several rules, the one with the highest priority will be applied.


#9. Boost sales with bundle pack rules

You can stimulate your customers to buy a whole group of products as a bundle with a certain discount.


Setting Bundle Pack Rules takes 2 steps:

  • Enabling General settings. These settings provide for ample customization: you can set a certain period for the rule to be active, specify store views where it will work, and offer the promotion for a specific customer group.
  • Adding Main and Bundle products. Note that the products to select are provided on another easy-to-use grid with Thumbnail, Name, Type, and more. This enables you to check and edit the selected products instantly.

Just like rules for cross-sells, upsells, and related products, Bundle Pack rules are gathered on a handy grid. You can manage these rules right from the grid as well.


And here’s how this promotion type looks on the frontend (product page):


#10. Modify your sales strategy based on relevant stats


Each rule is provided with a set of data crucial for block performance analysis. These data include rule type, position on the frontend, status, as well as statistics on views, clicks, orders made, and revenue. With these data sets, you can evaluate the overall rule efficiency and detect beneficial steps for further campaigns.

With Magento 2 Automatic Related Products, you can change your sales strategy virtually on the go. As the key statistical indicators of rule efficiency are gathered in one place and tracked in real time, you’ll be able to view and analyze them without delay.

Benefits outlined

With the Automatic Related Products for Magento 2, you will meet 6 needs in one deed:

  • the latter can use real-time analytics to reconsider and reset sales and promotions on the fly;
  • motivate your customers to buy more by offering them an ample set of alternative products;
  • deliver most relevant alternatives, combining flexible conditions and same-value choice options;
  • save time and efforts for other tasks by automating rule set-up, a new Related Product Rules grid and settings placed in optimal positions;
  • use the rules in line with your marketing goals – prioritize them to put forward a particular product;
  • create several upselling, cross-selling and related products blocks and adapt them to any context.

We are looking forward to your feedback and welcome your suggestions for further improvements.

Check the Magento 2 Automatic Related Products extension

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