Learn to Make Data-Driven Decisions: Add Google Analytics to Magento 2

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Today we will talk about one important topic for every business, which wants to keep the power on and work effectively. We all know that making suggestions based on guesses is not safe for income, a more reliable way is to gather and analyze behavioral data of your shoppers. For this purpose, Google Analytics is one of the most powerful tools.

How to fix the Magento Google Analytics not working issue?

To fix the Magento Google Analytics not working issue, you should know how to add to and set it up in your Magento 2. In this post, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide and offer to solve the problem in a much easier way.

Magento 2 Google Analytics: 5 steps to collect statistics

Step #1. Create a new GA account

First, you need to create your Google Analytics account. If you already have one, go to the 2d step right away. Please, log into your Gmail account or create it, as, without this profile, you won't be able to add Analytics to your Magento 2. Then go to the GA and click Sign up:

After that, you will see the form, where you'll need to fill in all the information about your e-commerce business and website that you want to track in Magento 2 analytics. Magento e-commerce analytics form settings will look like this:

Next, click the Get Tracking ID button and now you are ready to the following step.

Step #2. Magento 2 Add Google Analytics code 

To be able to collect statistics, you will need to add a Google Analytics code to Magento 2. To find the code, navigate to the left side of your Analytics dashboard, there you will see the Admin Tab. Click on it and choose Tracking Info. There you need to open the Tracking Code. You now see this page:

On the top, you there's the Tracking ID you need. Copy it.

Step #3. Add Google Analytics API to Magento 2

Moving forward to the next step. Now go to your website and log in to the Admin Panel. Choose Stores from the left-side menu. In block Setting, you need to find Configuration.

On the configuration page, open the Sales panel and find Google API down below.

Put your Tracking ID into the field for Account Number and save the changes:

Bear in mind, that Google Analytics update normally takes up to 24 hours. So, be patient.

Step #4. Set enhanced Magento analytics e-commerce tracking

Last but not least step is setting enhanced e-commerce tracking extension for Magento 2. Go back to Google analytics. On the left dashboard, you will find Ecommerce Settings click on it:

There you need to turn on Enable Ecommerce and Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting. Don’t forget to save the changes to finish the setting of Magento Google Analytics e-commerce tracking extension.

Step #5. Check if everything works correctly

Finally, you need just to check if everything is set up fine. Just open your website frontend and magento Google Analytics account in the second tab. Choose Real-Time report, click Overview. There should be 1 active user on site right now.

If that’s the case, you have made a great job and since now on will receive relevant reports on your Magento statistical showings.

Find a simpler way of gathering stats in Magento 2

Considering the fact that both Google Analytics and Magento are not simple instruments, we’ve prepared an easier way to turn data-driven business decisions in life. Many of our extensions already have advanced analytics in their backend settings, check it out!

Advanced Reports for Magento 2

This extension is a whole kit of reports for your Magento 2. It allows you to gather and process 15 detailed report types in 3 big groups, namely:

  • Sales,
  • Catalogs and,
  • Customers.

advanced reports for Magento 2

The (a) Sales group offers 10 report types, which you can filter by the number of sold products, the total sum paid by customers, order statuses and time interval. The (b) Customers group consists of 2 reports: "Customers" and "New vs. Returning". They will get you a basic understanding of users behavior basing on their purchases cycle. And in the (c) Catalog tab, you will find a statistic of all the products.


This extension is the right tool to make accurate business predictions and build an effective marketing strategy. And what's more, for this you have no need to know how to add GA to Magento 2 ;)

Reward Points for Magento 2

This extension allows you not only to implement an effective loyalty program but also analyze customer's behavior and make decisions about your current reward program based on this data.

Our Reward Points reports include:

  • The number of points awarded to customers;
  • The number of points redeemed by customers;
  • The number of expired points and more.

reward points for Magento 2

So, if you are looking for such kind of mod that will help you update a current loyalty program or create new, then click the button down below!


Out of Stock Notification for Magento 2

The mod will assist you in informing your customers about the stock status of their favorite products. And also, you will receive statistics about the most wanted products that will help you supply these products timely. What’s inside?

The extension includes all the created back-in-stock requests; sent notifications and made orders. The exact understanding of your clients’ demand will help you see what sales campaign will bring you a maximum conversion into purchases.

out of stock for Magento 2

Choose this mod to manage your stock and price alerts, and make data-based decisions about the current product and sales strategy!


Push Notifications for Magento 2

The tool is useful in drawing shoppers’ attention to your offers. However, you can achieve the desired result only with constant analysis of campaigns you launch and stop. In our extension, we provide complex analytics. You can find the total amount of clicks for all campaigns, subscribers, finished campaigns, click-through rate and more:

push notifications for Magento 2

If you are looking for an extension that can help you segment your audience and stimulate it for making targeted purchases, click the button down below!


Social Login for Magento 2

People like using social login wherever possible because it is fast and easy. However, it’s difficult to predict what networks are in use among your potential customers. With our mod, you can find out what social nets are in demand. Just use the Analytics Dashboard in this extension to have a better understanding of your customers. This elementary statistics will tell you how many users logged in via Facebook and how many items they bought. Thus, even if you have the same number of users, which logged in via Facebook and Twitter, it's not a reason to make any conclusion setting aside other parameters. The most valuable users are those who make purchases, aren’t they?

social ligin for Magento 2

Advanced and Elastic Search for Magento 2

These mods have a separate Search Analytics dashboard. There you can gather all the information about how many users look for what info in your Magento 2. This extension analytics consists of such blocks as total searches, unique searches, the number of users, users’ engagement and more. Thanks to this, you will always know the recent activity of your customers and their needs, maybe they look for a product you are currently out of stock, then it’s food for thought:

search analytics elastic for Magento 2

The difference between the two extensions is that they use different search engines: Advanced Search uses Magento MySQL and Elastic Search works on the up-to-date Elasticsearch engine. Due to this, Elastic Search allows you to get better speed and use autocomplete suggestions, spell correction and more new features. Compare these search tools and choose the one your store lacks right now!


To sum-up

As you can see, there are many different ways to gather fresh statistics and make data-based business decisions.

Just don’t forget that the most important thing is not how you collect statistics but the fact that you analyze it.

We hope our post was useful to you.

Still have questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments down below.

June 13, 2019
June 19, 2019
May 29, 2019
October 29, 2019
March 1, 2022
Great Article. On the GOOGLE API section, even after enabling the store view, the ACCOUNT TYPE option is not visible. Can you help what could be the reason behind it?
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