Fresh Updates to Amasty Extensions – November 2023

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With Thanksgiving behind us, the echoes of Christmas preparations are ringing in the air. As we embrace the festive spirit and transition into December, Amasty is excited to share the latest enhancements and innovations delivered throughout November. Our dedicated team has been immersed in refining our Magento extensions, ensuring that your e-commerce journey remains seamless and exceptional.

Join us as we unwrap a bundle of new releases and pre–orders, Hyvä-compatibility upgrades, and other enhancements that our team has been working on over the past month, setting the stage for a truly delightful December!

Newly Released:

Pre-orders Open for:

Made Hyvä-Compatible:


Blog Pro 

  • We’ve added the compatibility with Magento 2 XML sitemap functionality for Blog Posts (Note: The compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • We’ve made customization of Posts Rich Snippets more flexible and customizable.

  • We fixed the incorrect count of Posts in a category.

  • We fixed the incorrect status displays for Related Posts.

  • We fixed the compatibility with Google reCAPTCHA. Newsletter Subscription is now being completed flawlessly.

  • We fixed the issue where Posts disabled by Store View kept displaying in the Related Posts block.

  • We refactored the Email Templates according to WCAG 2.1 AA compatibility (Note: After the update, third-party customizations for this functionality on your instance may be incompatible with the module).

  • Now the extension fully complies with WCAG 2.1 AA requirements for Luma and Hyvä themes!

Custom Form 

  • The Custom Form extension for the Hyvä theme now fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

Product Labels 

  • The compatibility with AWS S3 storage was added.

  • We’ve ensured that the extension is compatible with Live Search.

  • The issue with Amasty’s 'Quick View ' button was resolved.

  • We fixed the problem with unchanging label color in the preview.

  • Now the extension fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

Read more about WCAG compatibility of Blog Pro, Custom Form, and Product Labels in our article.

FAQ and Product Questions

  • We corrected an unclosed div tag issue. Now it no longer affects the product tabs.

  • We’ve added Remove Trailing Slash for the FAQ Home Page setting.

  • Now a user with scope restrictions can add or edit an FAQ question/category.

  • We improved the FAQ Search Terms Report calculation.

  • We fixed the issue with a broken page layout if a short answer contained HTML tags.

  • We resolved the error that occurred during widget creation.

  • We eliminated the deprecated functionality error that appeared when a store view assigned to a specific question was deleted.

  • We added filtering by Store View to Questions and Categories grids.

  • We fixed the strip_tags() error.

  • The Hyvä-compatible version of the module is now fully compliant with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

Social Login 

  • We resolved the issue with the 404 redirects that appeared when a social account in the  'My Social Accounts ' section was deleted.

  • The Hyvä-compatible version of the extension now fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

Read more about WCAG compliance of FAQ and Social Login in our blog post.

SEO Toolkit Premium

  • For Pro and Premium versions, we’ve added the ability to import and export data on redirects (Note: The compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • Now the Toolbar is displayed only for the specified IPs as intended.

One Step Checkout 

  • The module was tested and is compatible with Klarna Payments 9.0.16.

  • We improved the performance of the module to enhance the processing of a large number of products at checkout.

  • We resolved the issue related to saving the shipping address when creating an account after placing an order.

  • Now the 'Allow to Edit Products in the Order Summary ' functionality works as intended.

  • We fixed the issues with Order Attributes and Customer Attributes fields management.

  • We fixed the error that occurred during checkout when a customer deleted their address in the customer account while placing an order.

  • We fixed the problem that occurred when switching from checkout with multiple addresses to a one-step checkout.

  • We’ve added the missing closing tag to the 'amcheckout-trust-badges ' block.

  • We fixed the problem with saving the selected billing address when  'Billing and Shipping Address are the same' is unchecked by default.

  • Now custom fields are associated with address attributes to prevent checkout issues..

  • Now it is not possible to modify the placeholder for the  'Country ' and  'State ' fields as was originally intended.

Admin Actions Log

  • Now it is possible to choose specific administrator actions to log (Note: The functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • We’ve added the ability to clear the entire 'Active Sessions ' grid and terminate them using the 'Terminate All Sessions ' button.

  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Request a Quote. Now, the quote status 'Cancel ' is logged, as it should be.

  • We fixed the logging error that occurred during customer account creation.

Mega Menu 

  • Now it is possible to set up the 'Help & Settings' tab and customize its name.

  • We improved the module performance by optimizing the template loading.

  • We solved the problem with the duplication of categories in breadcrumbs.

  • We fixed the issues related to saving Internal URL values by store views.

  • We’ve adjusted the display of category icons according to store views.

  • We fixed focus on top menu elements when using the 'Tab' button to navigate.

  • We resolved the issue with styles when the Blank Color Scheme Template is in use.

  • Now Store Locator Link is displayed on mobile view as it should.

  • We fixed the Custom Menu Items sorting issue.

  • We resolved the error that occurred during the new update scheduling.

Free Gift

  • We’ve added the possibility to output Free Gifts via Banner (Note: The functionality is available as part of an active Pro product subscription or support subscription. Temporarily  not available on Hyvä theme).

  • We significantly optimized the Free Gift popup loading speed.

  • We solved the problem with an Order Total amount recalculating when the Checkout page refreshes.

  • We solved the issue with the available number of Free Gift items when an 'Out of Stock ' product is the first in the popup.

  • We eliminated the error that occurred during order placement via the admin panel.

  • We fixed the MSI compatibility: now Free Gifts are displayed in the popup as they should.

Special Promotions

  • We’ve added new Cart Price Rules action 'Percent Discount: Buy X (Buy 1 for 10% off, Buy 2 for 20% off, etc)’. It’s now possible to set up tiered discount promotions (Note: The functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • To meet the latest code standards, we refactored variables and methods in the frontend code of the promo banners lite module.

  • We solved the issue with the error that occurred during the execution of amasty_rulespro_cache_warmer cron job.

  • Now the ‘Fixed Price: each 5th, 10th, 15th for $49’ rule does not add value to discounted products if their regular price is lower than the discounted price.

  • Product display in the  'Popular Search ' block now takes into account the current search query.

  • We fixed the Live Search compatibility and the search error that occurred when the  'Enable Indexation for Autocomplete Popup' setting was enabled.

  • We corrected Product short descriptions in the search popup.

  • Now the 'Recently Viewed' block is displayed in the search popup as intended.

  • We fixed the error that occurred during the Popup Data indexation.

  • We fixed an undefined array key that caused filtration issues.

  • Product display in the  'Popular Search ' block now takes into account the current search query.

  • We fixed the Live Search compatibility and the search error that occurred when the  'Enable Indexation for Autocomplete Popup' setting was enabled.

  • We corrected Product short descriptions in the search popup.

  • Now the 'Recently Viewed' block is displayed in the search popup as intended.

  • We changed the implementation of including JavaScript in blocks based on the components Registry to avoid multiple JavaScript declarations.

  • Now the Search Widget works correctly (Note: This fix contains backward incompatible changes).

  • We fixed the error that occurred when clearing the search input field via the 'cross' icon.

Shop by Brand

  • We’ve added the ability to select brands to display in the Brand Slider widget (Note: The functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • We improved the Brand Management settings handling by store views.

  • We added Brands pages to the breadcrumbs.

  • We improved interaction with the brand search box according to WCAG requirements.

Customer Attributes 

  • The Customer Attributes extension with the Hyvä Theme fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

  • Now customer attributes are displayed on the registration page when the 'Show on the Registration page' setting is enabled.

  • We’ve added the ability to import and export Bundle Packs data (Note: The compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • We improved the UI in the sidebar when the  'Slider ' display type is selected.

  • Now Bundle Packs with downloadable products are added to the cart.

  • We eliminated the issue with the incorrect calculation of discounts when the  'Replace Bundle Pack Item Discount with Cart Price Rules' setting is enabled.

  • Now it is possible to configure discounts for the main products in 'Conditional Discounts'.

  • We fixed the issue with saving Bundle Packs.

  • We solved the problem with displaying a bundle pack on its main product page.

Product Feed

  • We fixed the issue with incorrect validation for multiple condition-based attributes.

  • We resolved the issue that occurred when using identical names for categories.

Full Page Cache Warmer

  • We’ve enhanced the compatibility with the LiteMage cache.

  • We’ve added index to the Date column in the amasty_fpc_flushes_log and amasty_fpc_reports tables.

  • We’ve added a ‘Add Product Category Pages to Queue’ setting, which allows warming category pages upon product changes.

  • We’ve improved the compatibility with Amasty Catalog Price Rules extension.

  • We’ve increased the size of the URL column in the warmer queue.

  • We fixed the product saving error which occurred if customer group variations were not set.

Custom Order Number

  • We fixed ‘Column 'updated_at ' cannot be null’ error that occurred when placing orders with the custom order number.

  • We resolved the Unique Constraint Violation error appearing on order creation.

Shipping Table Rates

  • We fixed the error that occurred when searching by keyword in the Methods grid.

  • We’ve solved the issue with displaying the shipping rate when there is an insufficient quantity of items. 

Delivery Date Manager

  • We’ve added Enable Server Timezone setting, which allows using the store timezone instead of a customer’s timezone to calculate the delivery dates.

  • We eliminated the dependency on the Magento Inventory modules.

  • We fixed the Source class does not exist error that occurred after upgrading the database.

  • We resolved the issue with the incorrect date selected when placing the order from the admin panel.

  • We fixed the issue with the previous year being unavailable in the delivery date calendar.

  • We adjusted the error message that shows up when the order limit is reached.

  • We eliminated the issue with the delivery date being available after reaching the daily limit.

  • We improved the compatibility with the Store Pickup with Locator extension.

  • We resolved the error that appeared when applying filtering on the Shipment grid.

Store Locator

  • We’ve added the Store Location Holidays functionality to the module (Note: The compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • Now the extension fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements.

  • We’ve added the ability to import and export Store Locations data via Amasty Import and Export functionality (Note: The compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

  • We refactored the Email Templates according to WCAG 2.1 level AA compatibility (Note: After updating, the third-party customizations for this functionality on your instance may be incompatible with the module).

  • We accelerated the loading time of the Store Locator page by adding a new indexer.

  • We’ve improved the Store Locator data receival and processing to improve its performance.

  • We fixed the error that occurred on the Store Locator page during the download and import of GeoIP data.

  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Advanced Permissions. Now creating or editing locations proceeds without permission issues.

  • We fixed the problem with the prototype library. 

  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Mega Menu: the header is displayed as intended.

  • We resolved the issue with saving on Magento 2.4.5 and lower.

Store Pickup with Locator

  • The extension is now compatible with the latest version of Amasty Store Locator.

Advanced Permissions

  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Store Locator. Now, creating or editing locations proceeds without permission issues.

Minor Updates Made To:

As always, we'll be returning with new releases, updates, and valuable insights next month. Until then, savor the seasonal delights, create cherished memories with your loved ones, and be on the lookout for our upcoming articles.

Wishing you a festive and joyful December ahead! 🎄🎉

December 7, 2023
December 4, 2023
December 6, 2023
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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
