Fresh updates to Amasty extensions – February 2023

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March is here, which means it's time to take stock of the past month. With the upcoming release of a new Magento 2.4.6, our team has been busy working on technical updates for our extensions.

New features to Magento 2 extensions

Special Promotions

  • We improved the active rules validation process on the Cart and Checkout pages by adding additional caching and asynchronous cache warming on the back-end.
  • We optimized column types in the Database.
  • We added minor improvements to system messages to avert issues while configuring discounts applications.
  • The 'Amasty: Special Promotions - Purchase History Indexer' index was added in order to speed up the ‘Purchases history’ and 'Orders Subselection' conditions processing.
  • We refactored the module (Promo banners Lite) code to avert issues with adding rule promo banner image via API.
  • We solved the 'Fixed price for product set' rule discount calculating problem when adding two or more sets.
  • Now the 'Fixed Price: each 5th, 10th, 15th for $49' rule calculates the discount correctly.

Full Page Cache Warmer

  • We added the possibility to configure Activity Log automatic cleaning.
  • We added a primary key to the amasty_fpc_reports table to improve records adding and cleaning process speed.
  • We optimized the Flash Cache process in order to improve website loading speed.
  • We solved the problem with the warm-up queue generation.
  • Now Debug badges are displayed as they should.
  • We fixed the error occurred while setup:upgrade command running.

Rewards Points

  • The ALT tag was added to the module Ajax loaders.
  • We added the possibility to configure 'Get X Points for Completing Order' and 'Get X Points for Each $Y Spent' rules for unregistered customers.
  • We optimized the Сategory tree loading when Reward Points earning rules are being created by adding 'levelsVisibility' parameter.
  • We added the compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews so now Reward Points are awarded when reviews are approved via a mass action.
  • Introduced minor improvements in system messages to avert customers Reward Points applying issues.
  • We improved the module performance work with a large number of transactions and reward points so now the 'Reward Points History' and 'All Customers' pages load faster.
  • Now Reward Points on the Cart are applied according to the customers current balance.

B2B Company Account

  • We added the possibility to handle CRUD actions on Company Account via REST API.
  • Now customers assignment to Company Accounts via mass action occurs through a modal window that improves the speed of loading and rendering the Customers grid.
  • The problem with PayPal payment method displaying on Checkout Page when the Company Account module is enabled was resolved.
  • We fixed the error occurred while 'Convert to Order' process.

Abandoned Cart Email 

  • We improved the Transactional Email setting dependencies to avoid mailing schedule configuration issues.
  • Now invalid emails are blacklisted as they should.
  • The issue with a coupon applying when 'Coupon is Available Only for Email Recipient' is enabled was resolved.
  • We fixed the products quantity issue in the mini cart when the product was added via the Abandoned Cart email.

Product Parts Finder

  • We switched the module to a declarative schema.
  • We replaced the deprecated Zend libraries.
  • We improved the compatibility with Amasty Improved Layered Navigation.
  • Now the sorting by SKU works as it should.
  • The issue with no products results returning if using Finder from the second Categories page was resolved.
  • We solved the issue with the Cron Jobs errors.
  • We fixed the compatibility with PHP 8.1 so now Range import files load as they should.
  • We improved the module performance by replacing the plugin method from around to after.
  • The 'amasty/module-gdpr-cookie-hyva' code was refactored to improve Hyvä Theme.
  • 1.2.0 version compatibility (Note: the compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or Support Subscription).
  • The Google Analytics issue when Cookie Bar is disabled was resolved.
  • Now 'More Information' link in the Cookie Side Bar is translated as it should.

Customer Attributes

  • We fixed the problem with dependent attributes being displayed incorrectly.
  • The problem with an Attribute page displaying when it is assigned to a large number of customers was resolved.
  • The customers registration issue occurred when one of the Stores uses 'Single File Upload' attribute type was resolved.
  • We fixed the problem with saving several default options for the 'Multiple Select' attribute type.
  • Now when changing the data on the checkout page the attributes value is saved correctly.

Google Page Speed Optimizer Pro

  • We moved the amasty/amp module from required section to suggested section to avoid issues with libraries updating.
  • We solved the issue with the directory tree displaying in the "Folders for Optimization" setting when there are special characters in the directory name.
  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Mega Menu so the issue with image copies creation in the WebP format was resolved.
  • We fixed the problem with the str_ireplace() deprecated functionality.
  • We solved the problem with an image incorrect background after optimization.
  • We fixed the errors occurred when a folder from AWS Remote Storage is being selected for image optimization.

Received minor tweaks and improvements

    Mega Menu

    Gift Card

    Custom Forms

    Advanced Search

    Multiple Coupons

    Request a Quote

    Import and Export

    Customer Attributes

    March 3, 2023
    January 18, 2023
    January 18, 2023
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