Fresh Updates to Amasty Extensions – August 2023

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As we transition from the productive month of August to the promising month of September, Amasty is thrilled to unveil the latest advancements and enhancements we've meticulously crafted during the past month. Committed to elevating your e-commerce experience, we've diligently refined and expanded the capabilities of our Magento extensions. Join us in this journey of innovation as we unveil the updates and improvements that August brought to Amasty products. Let's embark on this exciting exploration together and discover the new horizons of possibilities these updates offer!

New features in Magento 2 extensions

Improved Layered Navigation 

  • We corrected the composer file dependencies
  • Color customization for selected filter options was added (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription. This functionality is temporarily unavailable for Hyvä Theme)
  • We added the ability to import navigation attributes and brand options data for Pro and Premium versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Now it is possible to use 301 redirect for SEO-optimized URLs (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We added the ability to set up 'Robots Tag Control' for Custom Pages
  • Now it is possible to determine product stock status by Salable Quantity
  • The ability to sort attribute options by Product Quantities was added for the Pro and Premium versions
  • We added the possibility of hiding the filter with only one available option
  • The 'Range Step' setting was added for attributes with ranges display mode
  • We covered additional Brand page options via GraphQL request
  • We added a new GraphQL request that allows to get SEO-friendly Url parameters
  • We updated the Swiper library to the 9.0.3 version
  • The code was refactored to improve module extensibility
  • We fixed problems with errors that arose from incorrect URLS parsing
  • We resolved the preg_quote() parameter error that occurred on PHP version 8.1 and the upper
  • We fixed the SEO URLs issue that occurred when the attribute code and attribute option had the same names
  • The problem with an attribute value duplication in the canonical URL, when the 'Keep current URL' option for Category Pages is selected, was resolved
  • We corrected the Rating filter text
  • We fixed the product output issue on the Brand Page
  • We eliminated the problem that arose when 'Use Flat Catalog Category' and 'Use Flat Catalog Product' were enabled
  • We solved the problem connected to returning to the previous page when Ajax was enabled

Improved Layered Navigation Hyva Compatibility  

  • We solved the problem with filtering on categorical pages when a ‘1 column’ layout is being used
  • We removed ‘amasty.shopby.jsinit’ and ‘Amasty.shopby.navigation.sync’ optional blocks from the layout
  • We fixed the compatibility with Amasty Improved Sorting so now selected sorting is saved during filtration
  • We added the possibility to set search request limitations. If the limit is exceeded the IP address will be blocked in order to avoid bot attacks (Note: the functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Now it is possible to save the entered search terms in the search box field after getting results
  • We fixed the search button issue when using it in the Chrome browser on Android
  • The ‘index_not_found_exception’ error was resolved
  • We solved the problem with incorrect results for queries with special characters
  • A translation issue in the search popup, when indexation is enabled, was fixed
  • We fixed the problem with the main products shift on the product page list when searching via popup
  • The incorrect landing page URLs were fixed
  • Fixed the problem with displaying the product description in the search popup if the product contains special characters in the name or description

Product Feed 

  • We significantly improved feeds generation speed
  • A new attribute ‘Salable Quantity’ was added
  • Now it is possible to set the priority of which of the parent products to display in a feed if a simple product has several parents
  • We optimized the mapping-saving process with a large number of categories
  • Now it is possible to display the first or the last selected product category in a feed
  • We optimized feeds reindexing process
  • A new modifier ‘Remove Widget HTML’ was added so now the widget code will not be visible in the description in a feed
  • Added the ability to display numbers in a feed without any separator
  • The deprecated functionality error was eliminated
  • We solved the problem with product price calculation in a feed in the case of multiple stores with different currencies
  • We fixed the issue with empty values of categories mapping in a feed
  • Corrected removing wrong HTML tags and widget constructions
  • We fixed the issue with incorrect UTC displaying in emails
  • Eliminated the problem with an attribute type changing when the ‘Cache User Defined Attributes’ setting is enabled

Free Gift  

  • Now it is possible to add a Free Gift Bar for the ‘Auto add promo items for every $X spent’ condition in the Pro version of the Free Gift module (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • The compatibility with Amasty Countdown Timer was added so now it is possible to display a countdown timer for Free Gift rules in the Pro version of the module (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We added a new setting that allows you to set the number of Free Gifts displayed in the popup
  • We added the ability to show gift images with their product names
  • Now Free Gifts are not kept in the Сart if a rule was disabled or expired
  • We fixed an issue with rules being applied to special priced items when the ‘Do not Offer Promos for Products with Special Price’ setting is enabled
  • Solved the problem with displaying a free gift in case of multiple stores if it’s out of stock on one of the stocks

Custom Checkout Fields 

  • We improved the indexing process so now Order Attributes are displayed on the Orders grid during the indexation
  • The problem with the Date format required attributes was fixed
  • We solved the indexing issue when the indexer's mode is ‘Update on Save’
  • We eliminated the issue with an order opening when one of the order items with an Order Attribute was deleted
  • We fixed the problem with a year and a month selection in Date attributes
  • The ‘Single File Upload’ attributes file downloading problem was solved
  • We eliminated the error that occurred when exporting a file containing the Date attribute
  • The error at the payment step, when an order attribute field was not fulfilled, was resolved
  • We fixed the ‘Place Order’ button work when the Braintree payment method is being used
  • The issue with payments via Google or Apple Pay was resolved


  • Now it is possible to set up custom RMA ID number in Pro and Premium module versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We added the compatibility with the Amasty Import Orders extension for Pro and Premium versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Admin email notification about customer’s new chat message was added
  • We fixed the problem with the ‘Customer’s Direct Link’ field displaying
  • The issue with an order item return when the rest of the items in the order were canceled was solved
  • We corrected the RMA Status and Order Number displaying in the emails when the ‘Amasty RMA empty admin template’ is being used
  • The issue with the Customers’ Pending Requests counter was resolved

Blog Pro   

  • We improved performance on Posts pages by reducing the number of executed SQL requests and methods
  • Now it is possible to get the number of Posts likes via the ’BlogPost’ query
  • Now Canonical Url can be set up by store view as intended
  • We fixed the issue with the Post Status values on different store views
  • We eliminated the incorrect Url Keys issue on the front that occurred once updating to the latest version

XML Google® Sitemap

  • Now a Home Page is added to the Sitemap as intended
  • We solved the problem with an incorrect Sitemap link when it was generated in the root of the ‘pub’ folder
  • The issue with Sitemaps containing several files displaying on the robot.txt pages was resolved
  • We fixed the error that occurred when opening a Sitemap that was generated for an entity that has no items

Custom Stock Status

  • Now custom stock statuses will be displayed on catalog product list widgets
  • We added the Display Mode setting to allow displaying stock status right on product pages for multi-source configuration
  • We improved the performance of the extension
  • Now stock status data is changed depending on the child item selected
  • We fixed the error that occurred when the custom stock status contained a multi-select attribute

Reward Points  

  • We adjusted the parameters transmitted data via REST API
  • We fixed the error that occurred while updating to the latest version when a customer with earned reward points was deleted
  • The error occurred while running setup:db:status command was eliminated
  • We fixed an issue with reward points in the logged-out customers' cart when the Persistent Shopping Cart is enabled
  • We solved the email translation issue
  • We corrected the Earning Configuration Actions work 

Google Analytics GA4  

  • The possibility to track Google AdWords Conversion was added
  • We added compatibility with Amasty Cookie Consent so now it is possible to send data to GA4 using conversion modeling and behavior modeling if the user declines cookies (Note: access to this feature will be enabled once you update the module Cookie Consent (GDPR) to the version, 2.10.1 or newer)
  • Now ‘Sign Up’ via Amasty One Step Checkout is being tracked in the GA4
  • The ‘purchase’ event is now tracked in GA4 when placing an order with multi-shipping
  • We fixed the issue with sorting on the search results page

Import Orders 

  • New entity Order Notes was added to the Import and Export Orders which allows to work with orders and credit memos notes data
  • We optimized the product image import process via link and now the image upload to the server is not required
  • We improved the errors logging process to reduce the number of errors during Import running
  • Now it is possible to run any Import profile via REST API and CLI
  • We added the possibility of importing JSON files
  • We optimized the REST API code and added validation for the File Type according to the selected Import Sources
  • We fixed the MSI source data updating error during the Import process
  • The issues with Url Rewrites generation and products displaying after Import were resolved

Import Customers / Import Products  

  • We improved the errors logging process to reduce the number of errors during Import running
  • Now it is possible to run any Import profile via REST API and CLI
  • We added the possibility of importing JSON files
  • We optimized the REST API code and added validation for the File Type according to the selected Import Sources
  • The MSI source data updating error during the Import process was fixed
  • The issues with Url Rewrites generation and products displaying after Import were resolved

Special Promotions / Special Promotions Pro 

  • We improved the sort order of discount breakdown when Checkout Totals Sort Order is changed
  • The discount calculation when it is based on the original price, was fixed
  • We resolved the issue with the discount not applying when products with expired special prices are skipped
  • (PRO) We optimized the indexer ‘amasty_amrules_purchase_history_index’
  • Now the extension is compatible with the Elasticsearch 8 version
  • The compatibility with the OpenSearch 2 version was added
  • The code was refactored to make it compatible with the Elasticsearch 8 version and OpenSearch 2 version (Please note: after the update, third-party customizations may be incompatible with the new version)
  • We fixed the errors that occurred during the Catalog Search indexing process
  • The Zend classes were replaced with the Laminas
  • We eliminated the price sorting and filtering issues on Categories Pages 

PDF Customizer

  • We added the ‘Order Comments’ variable to the PDF templates
  • We fixed the issue with timezones so that creation dates are now displayed according to the admin panel timezone
  • We improved compatibility with Magento security patches on Magento ver.2.4.3-p1 and ver.2.3.7-p2
  • We resolved the issue with thousand separators replaced with question marks in prices and totals
  • We enhanced compatibility between Amasty PDF Customizer and Amasty Mass Order Actions extensions. Now packing slips will be correctly replaced with custom PDF when generated via mass actions

Shop by Brand 

  • We covered additional Brand page options via GraphQL request
  • We updated the Swiper library to the 9.0.3 version
  • The code was refactored to improve module extensibility
  • Rating filter text was corrected
  • We fixed the product output issue on the Brand Page

Gift Card 

  • Gift card codes auto-generation was added to the ‘Code Pool’ settings for the Pro and Premium versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We added the possibility to automatically change order status to ‘Processing’ when it fully covered with a gift card
  • The ability to set up email PDF file names was added
  • Now gift card email PDF file fits the size of a gift card image as intended
  • We resolved the Order Totals calculation issue when the ‘Additionally Show Order Total Without Tax’ setting was enabled
  • We solved the problem with a gift card application when creating an order from the admin panel

Improved Sorting  

  • We fixed the General config settings displaying when switching between store views
  • We eliminated the issues with products sorting by price and price filter displaying on Category pages
  • We solved the problem with sorting options incorrect data when querying via GraphQL
  • We fixed Amasty Elastic Search compatibility so now there are no errors when searching for products via GraphQL
  • The sorting issue once adding products via page builder was resolved

Fine-tuned and slightly improved:

Blog Pro   

Reports for RMA (Add-On)  

Visual Merchandiser 

Infinite Scroll

Shipping & Payment By Customer Groups  

Advanced Search

California Consumer Privacy Act 

Extended Product Grid with Editor

Custom Reports Builder  

Advanced Reports  

Product Attachments 

Mass Order Actions  

Custom Checkout Fields 

Landing Pages

Cookie Consent (GDPR) 

Export Products  

Export Customers

The Amasty team is constantly working hard to bring you the best Magento experience possible. Stay tuned for more enhancements coming your way next month!

September 13, 2023
September 26, 2023
September 6, 2023
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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
