Fresh Updates to Amasty Extensions – April 2024

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With the release of Magento 2.4.7 this April, the Amasty team invested substantial effort into ensuring compatibility of our extensions with the updated platform. As a result, we've implemented Magento 2.4.7 support for more than 20 of our extensions! Also, we’ve introduced a solution on how to fix a Magento 2.4.7 WYSIWYG issue.

In addition to compatibility updates, we've been working on improving and fine-tuning our existing extensions. These updates aim to deliver an even smoother user experience for our customers. Dive into the details below to discover what improvements we've made.

Made Magento 2.4.7 Compatible:

Made Hyvä Checkout Compatible:


Abandoned Cart Email

  • We added an 'Auto Login Lifetime Period' for abandoned cart emails to enhance the security of automatic logins
  • We added the setting allowing to limit the number of abandoned cart products displayed in the email
  • We fixed the tracking of the number of times abandoned cart emails are opened
  • We replaced the Zend classes with the Laminas
  • We fixed the issue related to adding abandoned carts to the mailing queue caused by time zone differences

Advanced Product Reviews

  • We added the possibility to perform CRUD actions on Product Reviews via REST API (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Now the ability to leave a review may be limited and available only to registered customers who have purchased the product (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We added new Mass Actions for approving reviews, allowing them to be approved based on product-assigned store views or by website
  • We fixed the issue with displaying the ‘Verified Buyer’ label

Advanced Reports

  • We fixed the log error that occurred during the reindexation process.

B2B Company Account 

  • We added tests to assert the functionality of company overdraft in the admin area
  • We added tests to assert the functionality of company store credits in the admin area

Promo Banners

  • We refactored the module code to optimize the database structure
  • We fixed the issue with saving information for banners without an image
  • We resolved the issue with deleting the only image in Highlight Promotion

Customer Group Catalog 

  • We added the possibility to perform CRUD actions on Customer Group Catalog Rules via REST API (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We improved the module's performance by optimizing SQL queries
  • We fixed compatibility with Amasty Request a Quote so now login and logout actions no longer cause errors
  • We replaced the Zend classes with the Laminas

Export Products

  • We added the 'Google Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs so now it is possible to export product reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We developed compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews and added the 'Advanced Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs, enabling the export of advanced reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)

Free Gift

  • Now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.7. For correct compatibility, please install the 'amasty/module-mage-2.4.7-fix' package, which can be found in the composer suggest (Please note: compatibility with Magento versions up to 2.3.7 is no longer supported)
  • Improvement: minor improvements in system names and messages to prevent issues with extension configuration
  • We fixed compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout so now changing the quantity of products at checkout is processed without errors
  • We resolved the issue with calculating discounts for free gifts priced above $1000
  • We fixed the issue of adding out-of-stock free gifts to the cart
  • The 'Represent Free Gift as' setting now functions correctly when the 'Apply tax on original price of promo items added for free' option is enabled
  • We eliminated the issue of displaying a free gift in the popup when it is assigned to a non-default stock

Import and Export Premium

  • We added the 'Google Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs so now it is possible to export product reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available for Pro and Premium module versions and as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We developed compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews and added the 'Advanced Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs, enabling the export of advanced reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available for Pro and Premium module versions and as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)

One Step Checkout Pro

  • We improved the compatibility with Magento 2.4.7-beta3
  • We fixed the error that occurred during checkout for Magento Enterprise
  • We solved the issue with Bundle products options changing at the checkout
  • The Delivery Date datepicker now functions correctly
  • We resolved the problem with saving Delivery Date data in order details in the admin panel
  • Now validation messages for fields are displayed correctly on checkout
  • We eliminated the error that occurred when placing an approved purchase order on Magento B2B
  • We fixed compatibility with Amasty Social Login so now the setup:upgrade command runs without errors

Out of Stock Notification

  • We added the ability to subscribe to Back in Stock notifications from Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells blocks (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We optimized the number of requests on category pages when the 'Enable Subscribe from Category Page' setting is enabled to improve page loading speed
  • Now alerts for new out-of-stock subscriptions are sent to email addresses according to the assigned store views
  • We fixed the issue with subscribing to Back in Stock notifications for Configurable's child products
  • Now shipment emails are sent only to customers as intended

Price Per Unit

  • We added the possibility to perform CRUD actions on Prices per Unit via REST API
  • We added the ability to display Prices per Unit at Checkout and in the Mini Cart
  • Improvement: now Price per Unit dynamically updates for child products of configurable products

Export Products

  • We added the 'Google Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs so now it is possible to export product reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • We developed compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews and added the 'Advanced Product Review' template to Export Cron Jobs, enabling the export of advanced reviews to a feed suitable for Google (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)

Product Parts Finder

  • We added basic compatibility with Live Search (to ensure compatibility, please, install the ‘amasty/module-shopby-livesearch-root-category’ module. You can find this package for installation in composer suggest)
  • We resolved the issue with the records' display after filters were applied in the ‘Products’ tab of the finder configuration
  • We solved the problem with the finder not being added/removed on the storefront when the ‘Enable Ajax’ setting is set to ‘Yes’ in the Amasty Improved Layered Navigation extension
  • We resolved the issue with the functioning of the “dropdown” and “image” display types of the finder options on the storefront.

Shipping & Payment By Customer Groups

  • Reverse logic added. Now it is possible to either deny methods or allow methods for the selected customer groups. Useful when there are many groups.

Special Promotions Pro

  • We improved the 'Product Set' action, so now sets based on categories can be created an unlimited number of times
  • Refactoring: we removed the \Amasty\Rules\Model\Rule\Action\Discount\AbstractSetof::formCategorySet() method (Please note: this release is backward incompatible. After this update, third-party customizations on your instance may become incompatible with the module)
  • We fixed the incorrect discount calculation when using the 'Each N-th' group of actions
  • The issue with rule duplication was resolved
  • Now the 'Skip Items with Special Price (incl. Catalog Price Rules)' option works correctly
  • We eliminated the 'amasty_rulespro_cache_warmer' cron job error
  • The issue of incorrectly rounding the discount amount was resolved
  • We fixed discount calculation when Catalog prices include taxes
  • We solved the problem with applying the 'Product Set' action to group products

Minor improvements:

See you in June, when we'll be back with brand-new releases, updates, and improvements. Happy e-commercing!

May 16, 2024
May 17, 2024
May 8, 2024
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