Magento 2 Guides & Tricks


Top 8 Problems You Can Face When Migrating to Magento 2

Three removes are as bad as a fire. Benjamin Franklin If you’ve ever moved to a new place, you know that this quote is close to being true. Every move brings chaos, losses, and damages. So there is no wonder that Magento 1 store owners shudder at the thought of migrating to Magento 2. How to deal with all the customization made for the current website? How to save all the features? How not to ...
February 5, 2021
how to optimize conversions for your magento store

How to Optimize Conversions for Your Magento Store? [Desktop and Mobile]

When creating a Magento store, you want to make sure that the site is as conversion-ready for your customers as possible. Moreover, you need to pay attention to both desktop and mobile versions of your Magento store. It’s hardly a secret that modern mobile users represent 49% of internet traffic. However, for many businesses, mobile conversions remain far lower than on desktop. While this can b...
November 24, 2020
magento 2 api for beginners

API for Beginners | What Every Magento Merchant Should Know about API

If you use Magento 2, you heard about API. But what is it, how does it work, and why do you need it? In this article, we will try to explain API in simple terms and answer all these questions. What is API? API stands for as Application Program Interface. This is a set of protocols and tools for software applications creating. This technology is used to connect different software and set up how...
September 18, 2020

Shipping in Magento 2 | Ultimate Guide

Everyone involved in e-commerce has a certain idea about the way delivery works. A very vague idea, to be honest. COVID-19 has shown that many e-stores are not ready to be agile in a situation requiring rapid response. No-contact curbside and in-store pickup have become very sought after shipping methods, though not all Magento stores have managed to set them up, which led to loss of profit. → ...
September 2, 2020

Magento 2 Security Features

Get over it, security should be part and parcel of any online business process. Being a merchant you know it firsthand, websites and e-commerce sites, in particular, are compromised 24/7 365 days a year. Retail is predicted to be one of the top 10 most attacked industries for 2019–2022 Source Well, who’s next? Maybe you… Or do you honestly believe Magento 2 makes an exception? Unfortunately ...
August 21, 2020
what is smtp for mageto 2

Everything You Need to Know About SMTP for Magento 2 in One Place | Content Hub

What is SMTP? Source In other words, your mail transfer agent (MTA) uses this protocol to send/receive emails. When sending a message to your colleague, you don’t usually think about how the message 'looks like' for the email server. The fact is, your message is split into lines of text by numbers or code words. Provided by the SMTP, these numbers or code words determine the purpose of each l...
August 14, 2020

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro
