25 best retail blog ideas

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25 best retail blog ideas

Looking for the best blog ideas to attract more readers to your e-commerce website in 2023? We've got you covered. The internet is flooded with content, so it's important to create unique and engaging blog posts to stand out from the crowd. SEOs, marketers, PR and e-commerce specialists say: you need to produce quality content, as it influences everything, from search engine optimization to brand awareness, from social visibility to customer loyalty.

Couldn’t agree more. But let’s face it: creating good content is not easy. It requires time and resources, and while I was researching for this post I’ve clearly seen that: even big brands and well-known retail stores not always take advantage of blogging, and even lower percentage of smaller shops take content marketing seriously.

Content is a challenge, especially if you can’t afford a special blogging guy. In this article I am going to share some e-commerce blog post ideas from big and middle-sized brands so you can have this list somewhere nearby and consult it when you’ll run out of ideas on what to post and how to post.

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1. Book review

Writing a book review can be applied to almost every niche. Pick a book that’s relevant to your field, read it and write your thoughts down. Did you like it? What were particularly good/bad parts? Describe the type of audience this book may be helpful for. Attach some screenshots or pics of the book to give your reader the idea of the structure, typography, illustrations, charts if any. Here’s a nice example from hellolucky.com:


2. Free something

Giveaways and contest are your best friends, but you can do even more. Make something useful for your customers for free. You can share this for free, or share for an email, or offer some branded stuff. Here’s a nice example of an e-commerce blog topic from hellolucky.com – they created cute wallpapers for desktop and iPhone and shared them for free. Free something blog post idea

3. Feature customers and fans

By showing off the items bought at your store your customers are doing something more than just a purchase. And the right step is to thank them! Keep an eye on your fans and customers and feature them in your post – this is a priceless tactic to increase customer loyalty and build relationships. Rebecca Minkoff shop does in on a regular basis and features their Instagram fans on their blog.

Feature fans and customers blog post

4. Gift bundles and ideas

Along with creating pages with gifts for various occasions, write a post about your shop items than can serve as presents and gifts. Make sure you post them in advance so your readers can prepare for holidays well before. Here’s an excellent e-commerce blog idea example from Body Shop; they showed some perfect bundles for Father’s day:

Gift bundles blog post idea

5. Test something

Test something from your shop or a product that can be of interest for your audience and write an honest review of it. House of Fraser has a separate category for such kind of posts, here’s the example; apart from being useful for your readers, such posts are good in terms of SEO, because you can get almost 100% new traffic for ‘product review’ keywords:

Test something blog post idea

6. Shoot a video

Not good at writing? Can’t produce the text that you’ll be proud of? Your customers are not actually into reading? No problem – you can start a video blog or at least shoot videos from time to time. There are plenty of options here: start a video project like Selfridges did – almost a half of their recent posts are videos. If you don’t have resources for this, don’t worry – proper lighting, an iPhone and fluent speech may do magic. Video blog post idea

7. Share customer reviews

There are two ways of sharing great customer reviews on your e-commerce blog. If you have your review feature enabled, monitor your reviews from time to time. Thus you can notice a great opinion that can be shared as a blog post – maybe you’ll want to contact the customer and ask for even more information. The second way is to track your brand mentions and keep an eye on your fans and customers – you can ask them to write a detailed review too. Look how Wiggle is doing this: Customer reviews blog post idea

8. Fun or GIFs

I don’t have any preconceptions towards fun posts. In case they ARE fun and are NOT a clickbait. That’s why fun posts are even harder to be written, because you have to make them hilarious. And if you do it, it’ll pay off. I liked how USC does it: simple, short but recognizable jokes are always welcome: Fun and gifs blog post ideas

9. Tell about the famous people of the industry

Here’s a great way to share relevant information on the niche: write about great people from the present or the past of your sphere. It’s a great type of content that can be valuable for your readers. And, this e-commerce blog idea is not worn out yet! Check the Winterson’s post on a famous and influential person in the pearl industry: Tell about famous people of the industry blog post idea

10. Interview an expert

Expert tips is a very effective kind of content in case these tips are really useful. If you’re going to make them too short and too obvious for your reader, you’d better try something else.

"Extensive and successful advice can be the key to the success of your blog", says Dr. Sammy, a writer at PapersOwl.

If you’re interviewing an expert that’s not your employee, make sure you’ve specified the topic and chose the correct answers. A good idea is to collect questions from your readers. Here’s an example of an expert tips post from BodyShop:


11. Solve a customer’s problem

And that’ll be good if you can solve it with your products, but not necessarily.  Have a look how John Lewis blog post showed which products you can use to decorate tricky windows: Solve customer problem blog idea

12. Show new products

Has your products range been updated? Go on and write a post on it, and don’t forget to add some nice pictures showing the items in the wild, I mean, in the interior, so the customer could imagine how it looks like in real life. Check the post by Blik where they showed their new wall stickers and how they look in a room with furniture: Show new ideas blog post

13. Interesting facts

It’s a sure option: everybody loves interesting facts! Read this wonderful post from BrewShop that described how yeast works for beer production, and you’ll understand what I’m talking about. This is an e-commerce blog topic that has the lowest chances to fail. Interesting facts blog post idea

14. News

It doesn’t have to be long, but make sure you throw your updates and news to the blog. It will also keep it updated in case you don’t have time to produce powerful content right now. Look how Animal announced that their offline store has moved: a couple of brief passages with the info on the new store and several pics. Easy and effective: News blog post idea

15. Show what they can do with your products

Williams-Sonoma kitchenware shop does a great job: they post amazing recipes and teach their customers cooking using their own pans and stuff! Show what buyers can do with your products: create looks for clothes, jewelry, and shoes, show make-up variants for beauty products, show working/sleeping zones if you sell furniture… This e-commerce blog idea works great for improving sales; you customers see how exactly the product is useful for them: Show how to use your products blog post idea

16. Lists

Still don’t know what to write on your retail blog? Okay then. You’re the one who’s working in the niche, and you’re the one to write ‘top/best’ lists! Make lists of top products for separate categories for various segments of customers. Look how Blacks made up a list of best tents in several categories: Lists blog post idea

17. How it’s made

You can invite your supplier to make up e decent how-it’s-made post or write it yourself if you’re a manufacturer. BodyShop wrote a nice article on how aloe vera is grown and collected to be used in their products. This blog idea also works for customers’ loyalty and building trust: How it's made storytelling blog post idea

18. What can be of your customer’s interest?

Don’t be deceived by the fact that it’s YOUR online retail blog. Writing only about your products and your company is not a deadly sin, but you can do better. Write on things your target audience might be interested in. Places, events, products? Here’s a nice post on a blog by Swarowski creative director: it describes a barbershop that’s a place Swarowski customers may want to drop in.

Topic of your audience's interest blog post idea

19. Coming soon

Are you going to introduce new shops/outlets, add new products or open new categories soon? Inform your readers and don’t forget to ask them to subscribe so they get the news among the first. Cath Kidston informs the readers about the new stores in advance: Coming soon blog post idea

20. How-to’s and tutorials

And, if to be precise, how-to-choose articles – this is what we want to give your customers! Have a look at the nice video John Lewis published in their content section. It helps to choose an office chair and points out the things you need to pay attention to if you want to buy one: How to choose anything blog post idea

21. Work in progress

Unpacking a new set of items? Manufacturing a completely new product? Preparing special offers and gifts? Share it on your e-commerce blog post so the readers stay connected and engaged. Such transparency makes your brand more human. Jen jewellery shows the work in progress and sketches of the beautiful rings and necklaces on their blog: Work in progress blog post idea

It's a win-win e-commerce topic that can be used every season over and over again and is applicable for almost any retail niche. But the most effective usage of this topic applies to technology products and clothes/shoes/accessories and other visual items. Can you imagine there are trends for pearls? Check Winterson's blog post on pearl trends for 2014: Trends blog post idea

23. History/retrospective

Another blog idea that hides a lot behind the scenes. You can write on the history of your company or some famous companies from your sphere. What is more, a retrospective to the goods you are selling can be rather entertaining for your readers. Check this wonderful heart-warming post about brogues on Toast: History blog post idea

24. Somebody's interview

Why I am talking about somebody - because in reality you can't describe in detail who's going to be your blog post guest. But surely it's a person that can be your customer and has a lot of common things with your potential clients.  Check this stylish interview on Indochino blog; this man's life and thoughts can be of interest to the brand's customers; he is an inspiration and an icon some of them would like to follow at the same time. And Steve likes proper suits too! Interview blog post idea

25. Staff picks

It's a great opportunity to introduce your employees to the audience and make the brand more human; what is more, advice from a real person always sounds more respectful. Look how USC shared its graphic designer's picks of jeans:

Staff picks blog post idea

Final note

In 2023, it's more important than ever to provide valuable and engaging content to your audience. Some great e-commerce content ideas include creating product reviews, showcasing user-generated content, and providing how-to guides or tutorials.

Don't forget about the power of visual content as well. Consider incorporating high-quality images, videos, or infographics into your blog posts to make them more engaging. Overall, the best blog ideas 2023 for your retail or e-commerce business will be those that provide value to your audience, stay relevant to current trends, and utilize various types of content to keep readers interested. Got any suggestions or seen some other great e-commerce post ideas? Please share them in comments. Meanwhile, turn your retail ideas into winning blog posts with our Magento 2 Blog module.

October 14, 2022
October 20, 2022
October 12, 2022
October 31, 2014
Just a quick add - it is really working when you make a list post and put it into your email campaign (just make sure your email lists are segmented properly). And magic happens - from my experience, people buy a lot if the article is good enough and describes the items properly. Moreover, such posts live and sell while the products are available, and if they are discontinued you can update the post and replace them.
Ksenia Dobreva
November 3, 2014
Thanks for sharing your experience, Kristof!
November 15, 2016
Hello Kesnia Dobreva. wow looking nice i liked it .
November 18, 2016
hai kesnia dobreva the produts are really nice.thank you
November 25, 2016
Thank you, Ksenia! Also, infographics could be one more thing that is pointful to create and share :)
Alexandra Zhos
February 15, 2017
Hey, Kidalina, you are right. You can add infographics to visualize the statistics, simplify a complicated content, make comparisons and more. But it's more about the way you present the information than the topic of the post. And thanks for the feedback!
m. cornel
January 3, 2017
during the reading i cought my mind that there are so many topics to write about that i haven’t tried yet. thanks a lot, i enjoy the article!
Alexandra Zhos
January 3, 2017
Now you have more ideas how to make your blog more amusing :)
Epic Deal Shop
August 10, 2018
Great Knowledge you have, I must Admit it. you shared such a useful information. Thanks for it.
Epic Deal Shop
August 10, 2018
Thanks For Sharing Such a useful Information. This Is Really Great Article.
May 7, 2019
Thank You for sharing an informative blog easy to understand a lot of things. bring more articles like "25 BEST RETAIL BLOG IDEAS" & don't forget to Notify me of new posts by email.
Alina Bragina
May 17, 2019
Hey Zuan, thanks for your honest opinion, it's really very important to us! Subscribe to our newsletter and receive a monthly digest with all the fresh articles from our blog.
September 20, 2019
The information you've shared in this blog is most useful. Thanks for sharing such quality information.
Polina Litreyeva
September 23, 2019
Hi there! Thanks for the feedback! We are happy that our ideas are useful to you.
January 23, 2020
Nice Information . Thank you
Polina Litreyeva
January 24, 2020
Hello. Thanks for your feedback!
April 10, 2020
Thanks for the article. Comments are the best way to connect to users and know about their experiences.
Polina Litreyeva
April 10, 2020
Hello there! Thanks for your feedback!
June 22, 2020
Excellent post Your posts is very helpful for me and really interesting.Thanks
Alina Bragina
August 28, 2020
Hi there, thanks a lot!
Carolyn Gill
September 5, 2020
Thanks for sharing this informative blog. I was also looking for the best shopping site to gift my mother accessories. So I went through this blog and got some ideas. Keep sharing.
Alina Bragina
September 16, 2020
Hi Carolyn, thanks for reading!
Dai Software
September 11, 2020
Amazing Blog!
Shayur Maharaj
October 9, 2020
As a wannabe blogger this is exactly the sort of post I needed. I am both an ardent reader and visual learner so the use of infographics really helped.
Alina Bragina
October 30, 2020
Thank you, Shayur!
Kitchen Kart App
December 11, 2020
thank you for sharing retails idea with us
Polina Kratovich
December 23, 2020
Hi there! Thanks for your comment! We are happy to know the article was helpful for you.
February 12, 2021
Thanks for your valuable content, keep posting.
Vladimir Derachits
February 15, 2021
Hello Ameya! Thank you for reading and sharing your opinion. We're glad to know these tips were helpful for you.
March 9, 2021
Great article.Keep it up!
Vladimir Derachits
March 12, 2021
Hi there, thanks for sharing your opinion! We are glad that the article was helpful to you.
March 30, 2021
Great information by this blog. Thank you for this valuable information
Vladimir Derachits
April 2, 2021
Hi Sourabh! Thanks for reading and sharing your opinions. We are glad to be helpful.
May 24, 2021
Thank you this blog helps me a lot.
Vladimir Derachits
May 27, 2021
Hi there! Thanks for your feedback. We are glad to be helpful.
June 17, 2021
Wonderful article! this is found to be very informative. Thanks for sharing these interesting tips with us.
Vladimir Derachits
June 23, 2021
Hi Sandra, thanks for your feedback! We are glad to share our experience and be helpful.
centreal bazaar
June 21, 2021
As a retailer this blog helps really a lot . Keep updating thank you
Vladimir Derachits
June 23, 2021
Hi there! Thanks for reading and sharing your opinions. We are glad to be helpful.
Dai Software
July 14, 2021
Your blog was absolutely fantastic! Large amount of great information which is often attractive some and the other way. Thanks.
Vladimir Derachits
July 20, 2021
Hi there, thanks for your feedback! We are glad to share our experience and be helpful.
July 14, 2021
Really liked the article. I must say these are some of the best ideas for blogging...
Vladimir Derachits
July 20, 2021
Hi there, thanks for your feedback! We are glad to share our experience and be helpful.
Abhishek Rathor
July 15, 2021
India is a large market for eCommerce giant, here maximum people from urban areas prefer to buy products from online. What you share here about the most consuming products by Indian through online really worth. I see the sale of mobiles is high at the time of the offer day.
Vladimir Derachits
July 20, 2021
Hi Abhishek, thanks for sharing your opinion!
centreal bazaar
October 5, 2021
Thanks for sharing the article. Keep update
pro Inspector
December 9, 2021
HI Thanks for the retail blogs details , its good reading your articles , please update more tech related information on upcoming blogs , once again its good work .
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January 12, 2022
Thanks for sharing the wonderful article
Nikshoo Furniture solution
June 30, 2022
I appreciated perusing this post.
September 28, 2022
Great Retail blogs ideas
Alan Luiz
November 21, 2022
very nice
December 19, 2022
Thank you for the wonderful blog. cumplimiento y gobierno corporativo
Jennifer Louis
September 18, 2023
Thanks for sharing this informative blog.
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