12 powerful digital marketing tools & practices to skyrocket your conversions

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how to increase sales in 2021

Every organization needs a robust online presence to expand their reach and establish credibility in the industry.

But the potential of your digital presence doesn’t stop there. In addition to informing visitors about your brand, you can guide them to become paying customers. This can be achieved by employing a range of digital marketing tools to boost your conversion rate and increase revenue.

In this post, we’re summarizing different practices and tools you can implement for higher conversion rates.

Let’s get started.

#1. Revamp your website design

An outdated or messy website is going to create a poor impression on your visitors. It’s time to revamp your website design to make it visually appealing as well as enhance its functionality.

A well-designed website plays a vital role in nurturing leads and motivating them to convert into customers. You should also take care of optimizing your website for mobile devices. Considering the increasing number of smartphone users, a mobile-responsive website can help you attract more visitors and improve your conversion rate.

#2. Enhance your website’s speed

Before you include too many graphics and animations to make your website visually attractive, think about how this might affect the speed. Typically, visitors don’t want to wait for more than a few seconds for a website page to load. And if your website is taking several minutes to load, most of your visitors are likely to exit.

How will you convince your target audience to buy your product if they can’t even see your website? Creating a seamless user experience is the ultimate goal, and a fast-loading website is an important part of it.

#3. Search engine optimization is key

Search engine algorithms are constantly improving to help users easily find what they are looking for. If you want to generate more website traffic, you have to start implementing SEO practices.

Optimizing your website according to the relevant keywords will help you secure a higher ranking on SERPs. If your website content appears on the first page, it has a greater chance of receiving more clicks and as the result converting more leads and increasing sales.

#4. Incorporate smart popups

You can incorporate various styles of smart pop-ups on your website to generate leads and boost sales. For example, a sign-up pop-up is a reliable way to build your email list. You can also use pop-ups to inform visitors about on-going sales, discounts, or first-time buyer offers. This can incentivize them to make a purchase or become a part of your lead nurturing sequence.

#5. Create relevant, high-quality content

High-quality content is an excellent but often underutilized way to increase your website traffic and conversion rates. By adding a blog to your website, you can increase the number of visitors you attract on a daily basis.

Your content should be unique, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. It’s also imperative to stick to a regular posting schedule. Moreover, as was mentioned above, content that is optimized for search engines is going to further help your website rank better on search results. Therefore, utilize content marketing to increase user engagement as well as website dwell time.

#6. Work on email marketing

With so many modern marketing tools coming up, you may feel like email is no longer an effective marketing tool. But that’s not true! According to a study by McKinsey and Company, email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media.

The right email marketing strategies can help you nurture long-lasting customer relationships and drive sales. Emails give you a chance to connect with your customers on an individual level. But to succeed with email marketing today, you should replace regular promotional emails with highly personalized emails. Make use of email personalization best practices to ensure your customers feel seen and appreciated.

#7. Improve call-to-actions

Having a great website design and engaging content is not enough to convert visitors. Without powerful CTAs, your visitors might leave the website without taking any action.

Ideally, CTAs should be easily visible on your website. You can also consider putting up more than one call-to-action to encourage users to click.

#8. Conduct A/B testing

There is no universal CTA that works well for every business. The perfect CTA for your website will depend on your unique brand voice. If you’re struggling to choose between various options, it would be best to conduct A/B testing. You can test both options separately to find which one is driving better results. A/B testing can also be used to compare landing pages, website design elements, and so on.

#9. Utilized video marketing

Many people are not too keen on going through text-heavy websites. Creating interactive, educational, and attention-grabbing videos and putting them on your website will help you get the most attention from your target audience. Video marketing has shown to be useful for various stages of the sales funnel.

#10. Look into cart abandonment

Are shoppers adding products to their cart but not completing the purchase? This is an issue that needs to be immediately addressed. In addition to ensuring your website is offering an easy checkout process and multiple payment options, you should take steps to remind shoppers to complete the purchase.

#11. Use micro-influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has proven to be a reliable way to promote your products or services on social media. Apart from popular influencers, you should also think about getting some micro-influencers into the mix. This is a cost-effective but really working option, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

#12. Don’t neglect analytics

Adopting digital marketing tools and strategies and hoping they work is not the way to go. To ensure your efforts are driving results, you need to look at relevant analytics. Measuring and tracking your strategies and progress is essential to determine if they should be continued or abandoned.

The Bottom Line

Marketing has considerably changed over the years, especially with the transition into the digital space. If you want to survive the market and beat the competition, you must catch on to new digital marketing strategies. Without proactive efforts, you won’t be able to make the most of what digital marketing has to offer.

Relevant and consistent digital marketing efforts can take your brand’s popularity to the next level. It’s also important to note that things evolve quickly in the digital space. Adapting to these changes is necessary to ensure a steady increase in your conversion rate. Hopefully, the tips mentioned above will help you optimize your conversion rate and increase your revenue.

March 29, 2021
April 1, 2021
March 26, 2021
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