Magento 2 Command Line Interface: useful commands

Merchants that use Magento 2 know it has a console command line. However, not all of the newbies know how to use it all out. Here we have decided to share the knowledge and give some useful tips.

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How to work with Magento 2 Command Line Interface? What is the correct way to execute Magento CLI? commands

To use the CLI you will have to complete three simple steps.

Step 1: check Php_cli

  • Php_cli is installed to your Magento 2 by default with PHP. In case you don’t see php_cli, navigate to your Magento 2 root folder and type in: php bin/magento

If you see the list of commands, the php_cli has been installed correctly.
If you see the ‘Command not found’ error, there are tens of reasons some of which are considered here.
If the php bin/magento and other related commands are executed but you see multiple PHP errors like ‘PHP Parse error’. There is a strong possibility you use a wrong PHP version. To find a relevant version for your Magento follow the link.  You can simply check the current PHP version typing the php -v command into your command line. It may also occur that several PHP versions are to be available for your Magento.

  • Don’t forget to switch to the Magento 2 file system owner.

Step 2: most in-demand Magento 2 CLI commands

Common CLI commands

Command Meaning

php bin/magento cache:{enable|disable|clean|flush|status}

manage the cache;
php bin/magento setup:indexer:{status|show-mode|set-mode|reindex|info} manage the indexers;
php bin/magento cron:run use cron jobs;
php bin/magento setup:di:compile compile all non-existent proxies/factories; pre-compile class definitions, inheritance information, and plug-in definitions for one store and website. Do you want to learn more? Read all about permissions in our Magento 2 permissions & ownership in 3 modes post;
php bin/magento info:dependencies:{show-modules|show-modules-circular|show-framework} module dependencies, circular dependencies, Magento framework dependencies;
php bin/magento i18n:{collect-phrases|pack} generate a translation dictionary or a translation package. To generate a translation package for a definite module you can use a such-like command: php bin/magento i18n:collect-phrases -o app/code/Amasty/Rma/i18n/en_US.csv app/code/Amasty/Rma/ (in the described case, Amasty_Rma file will be generated);
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy deploy static view files;
php bin/magento dev:source-theme:deploy generate CSS from LESS
php bin/magento dev:tests:run run automated tests;
php bin/magento dev:xml:convert update your layout XML files to match the new Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) stylesheet;
php bin/magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures generate data to use for performance testing;
php bin/magento sampledata:install install optional Magento sample data after you install the Magento application.


Haven’t you found a necessary command? Enter php bin/magento to display a complete list of commands:


See here to find any additional information.

Common arguments:

The arguments displayed on the screenshot are common for all commands. 


Step 3: use a necessary command

The commands can be added in one of the next ways:

  • php magento <command>- the command is used in case you are in root_site_path/bin; but if you are in the site root, use the next command: php bin/magento <command>

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