How to set up the multi currency in Magento 2?

If you have an international Magento 2 store, you may need to provide your customers with a choice between several currencies. For this, you can set up the multi currency in Magento 2. Let’s see how to do it step-by-step.

Want to automatically change the Magento 2 currency to local based on users' IPs? Click on me!

Step 1. Log in to your Magento 2 backend and navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

Step 2. At the top of the page, choose the Store View that needs new settings.

Step 3. Open the General tab and choose the Currency Setup option.

Step 4. Expand the Currency Options block and configure the following fields:

  • Base Currency - this currency will be used for online transactions;
  • Default Display Currency - this currency will be used as a default for display prices in your store;
  • Allowed Currencies - add other currencies that you accept in the Magento 2 store.

If after these actions, the system asks you to refresh the cache, just close this notification. We will do it later.

Step 5. Next, you need to specify the scope of the base currency. For this, open the Catalog tab and click on the catalog. Find the price section and Choose Global or Website in the Catalog Price Scope field.

Step 6. After that, you need to set up Import settings. Go back to the Currency Setup page and open the WebserviceX tab. There you need to specify the Connection Timeout in Seconds field.

Step 7. Finally, you need to schedule the automatic update of currency rates. For this, go to the Scheduled Import Settings tab and set Yes in the Enabled field.

Step 8. Choose your rate provider in the Service field, set up the Start Time and Frequency of updates. Fill in the contact email in the Error Email Recipient field.

Step 9. When you are ready, save the changes and refresh the cache. Now your Magento 2 store has multiple currencies.

Note: For more info about Magento 2 currency settings, check the official user guide.

How to set up multi-currency in Magento 2?

To set up multi-currency in Magento 2, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration. Choose the needed store view, open the General tab and click Currency Setup. In the Currency Options section, choose your Base Currency, Default Display Currency, and Allowed Currencies.

Another option that you can use in international stores is changing the default currency according to users' IP. Our GeoIP Redirect extension allows you to automatically redirect your customers to the needed store view or URL, so they will see your store in their native language and pay with their local currency. Moreover, you can restrict access to your website for certain IP addresses, for example, if you get spam.


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