How to integrate Magento Google Shopping ads feed into your store?

You need extra time and certain technical skills to launch shopping campaigns. To do that, you can equip your store with an agile and highly intuitive feed generator

What are the steps of Magento 2 Google Shopping ads feed integration?

To start the Magento 2 Google Shopping ads feed integration navigate to Catalog → 'Feeds' section → Profiles → click the Setup Google Feed button and follow the steps:

Step 1. Configure General Settings:

Specify Feed Name, File Name, choose the Status, select which Store View to take attribute values from, specify the Price Currency, and choose whether to Exclude Disabled Products, Out of Stock Products, Not Visible Products from the feed. 

Step 2. You need to Exclude Categories by going through all the categories listed and selecting the ones you want to exclude from the product feed by checking the appropriate checkboxes.

Step 3. Complete the Rename Categories section: Set the necessary Google Taxonomy source and easily rename the categories using the autocomplete function.

Step 4. Specify the Basic Product Information, by selecting attributes to output in the feed. You just need to choose the needed option from the dropdown menu for each parameter.

Step 5. Specify the Optional Product Information you want to output in the feed.

Step 6. The next step is to complete Schedule Settings.

Step 7. After that, you need to complete the Upload to Google Server section. For these do the following:

Log in to the Google Merchant account and create a new product feed. Then you need to fill in the basic information, choose the Upload as an input method, and enter the file name as you define earlier in Step 1. Go to Settings (near your profile avatar) > SFTP / FTP / GCS > click Reset password and save the password.

Now you need to return to the Step 7 tab in the admin panel and switch the tab to Yes

After that, specify the data you have received from the Google Merchant dashboard, and the filename you've set. Choose the upload method In the Protocol tab. If FTP is set, you can enable or disable the Passive Mode.

Click the Save and Start generation button. That’s it.

Check out our video tutorial to see the full configuration:


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