How to enable single store mode in Magento 2?

Say, you have just started your business and have only one website, store, and store view. So you can simplify the display of your Magento 2 by disabling all other store view options and scope indicators. For this, you need to enable the Single Store mode in Magento 2. Let’s see how to configure it.

See also: Learn the difference between Magento 2 website, store, and store view.

Step 1. Log into your Admin Panel and navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

Step 2. Open the General tab and go to the Single-Store Mode section at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Select Yes in the Enable Single-Store Mode field.

Step 4. Save the changes.

Step 5. Then, you will see a system notification that reminds you to refresh the cache. Click on the Cache Management link.

cache management

Step 6. Next, mark the Page Cache checkbox, select Refresh in the Actions line, and click Submit.

If you need to add the disabled store views later, Single Store Mode can be canceled. See how to add multiple store views in the official guide.

See also: Do you have multiple store views designed for international users? Change the store view automatically with GeoIP Redirect for Magento 2. Display local language and currency according to customers’ IP and make your offer clear for foreign clients.

According to the statistics, you may find helpfull the following question about store view.


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