How to create new pages, blocks, widgets using Magento 2 CMS?

Magento 2 CMS is the Content Management System, which serves for creating new pages, blocks, and widgets.

With the use of the Magento 2 content management system, you can design custom static pages, add custom blocks and easily manage the position on a page(s), supply the blocks with relevant links and additional information.

Below we take a look at the creation of the 3 content elements.

How to create Magento 2 CMS pages? 

To create CMS page in Magento 2, complete the next steps:

  • Log in to the Admin Panel and switch to Content>Pages:


  • Click the Add New Page button:


  • Here you can give a new Name for the page, set a custom URL, choose on which store the page can be viewed, enable/disable it and decide on other settings:


  • After all the required configs are made, click the Save Page button and clear the cache.

The page can be added to any other one using a link widget. E.g.: in case you want to add the page to the home one as a link, go into the Home page edit menu, choose Content and click the Insert Widget button. Then select the needed page and save the changes.

How to create a Magento 2 CMS block?

  • If logged in, navigate to Content>Blocks and click the Add New Block button:


  • In the New Block settings choose whether to enable the block, define the block Title and Identifier, specify the Store View;
  • When choosing the Show / Hide Editor button, you’ll see a list of additional settings like Insert Widget, Insert Image, Insert Variable:


  • When everything is set up, don’t forget to click the Save Block button and clear the cache.

How to create a Magento 2 CMS widget?

  • When logged in, go to Content>Blocks and click the Add Widget button:


  • In the Widgets menu you can choose one of the types:


and choose the desired Design Theme for it and click Continue.

  • Now you can set the Widget Title, assign it to Store Views and define the widget Sort Order:


  •  After the settings are completed, you need to add the Layout Update:


  • Save the new widget and clear the cache.

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